Become a Technology Partner
Partner with us to help protect water quality, reduce sewage pollution and restore healthy watersheds.
We aim to provide innovative, affordable and eco-friendly solutions to wastewater management.
Why Partner with WAI
WAI educates homeowners, legislators, regulators, and stakeholders about innovative technology through public events. We host 20 presentations per year to various groups, legislators & communities, 3-5 Town Hall events per year, 2-4 Technical Training events per year, and an Annual Conference. WAI’s Executive Director actively publishes articles focusing on wastewater issues and promising new technologies. As a part of WAI’s outreach campaign, we are also committed to working with local, regional, and national media to promote innovative sanitation solutions.
WAI is the only nonprofit focused on the cesspool pollution issue in Hawaiʻi. We have established relationships with contractors, suppliers, legislators, and regulatory and permitting agencies at the state and county levels.
In the past legislative session (2022), we helped pass two priority bills; HB2195: granting low- and moderate-income homeowners assistance with the costs of cesspool conversions, and HB1806: which allows new types of technology to be permitted for cesspool replacement, beyond septic systems and aerobic treatment units.
Over the years WAI has helped in passing a number of bills, including two bills in the past 2022 legislative session; HB2195: granting low- and moderate-income homeowners assistance with the costs of cesspool conversions, and HB1806: which allows new types of technology to be permitted for cesspool replacement, beyond septic systems and aerobic treatment units.
WAI has introduced several successful pilot tests and market introductions of new technologies. The Ridge-to-Reefs Bioreactor Garden was approved for use in Hawaiʻi following a 6 month testing period. The Cinderella Incineration Toilet, a waterless toilet with a waste product of only pathogen-free ash, was piloted at Hawaiʻi institute of Marine biology in Kāneʻohe
What We Look For in a Technology Partner
With over 83,000 active cesspools across the Hawaiian Islands, WAI is actively seeking diverse and creative partners that are committed to finding the best sanitation solutions to protect water quality & help restore Hawaiʻi’s watersheds & natural resources.
Over the past half a decade, WAI has collaborated with companies through our Innovative Technology partnerships program. Our goal is to work with our tech partners to create a meaningful impact aligned with our mission to protect water quality and the health of our ocean and drinking water. Official partnerships are vetted by WAI’s environmental due diligence review with partnership terms captured in a donation agreement.
Foundational Principles for Partner Engagement:
Cutting-edge technologies driving innovation.
A deeply ingrained commitment to our mission.
Offering pro-bono and low-bono products and services to fulfill our mission.
Dedicated to addressing Hawai'i's wastewater challenges.
Implementing sustainable practices for resource utilization.
Fostering workforce development initiatives to empower communities.