Legislative Task Force
What is WAI’s Legislative Task Force?
Each year, Wastewater Alternatives & Innovations (WAI) leads a Legislative Task Force to help raise much-needed awareness of policy changes at the state level regarding Hawaiʻi’s issues with cesspools and the wastewater industry. The Task Force is composed of a coalition of passionate individuals, including representatives of environmental non-profits, law students, industry experts, and enthusiastic volunteers.
The Task Force, with support from WAI, brainstorms legislative strategies, submits testimony, and canvases for bill support.
WAI streamlines participation by distilling information before and during each legislative session and providing updates on bill tracking and progression.
Additionally, WAI informs the Task Force of recommended actions and opportunities for input, such as submitting testimony at critical points in the legislative session.
Overarching Policy Goals
Expand the existing Individual Wastewater Technologies (IWS) and cluster/decentralized systems approved by the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH).
Increase overall funding for pilot projects.
Enhance funding opportunities for low and moderate-income homeowners in high-priority areas. (e.g. support tax rebates, low-interest loans, etc.)
Increase the range of approved technology and pricing options for homeowners to allow them to make better decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Address the conversion of the State’s most critical cesspools, as defined by the DOH.
2024 Policy Priorities
HB2743/SB2952: Requiring county wastewater plans and authorizing counties to charge cesspool fees to fund grants and loans for conversions
HB1892/SB2426: Requiring Priority 1 and 2 cesspool be converted by 2035 and 2040 respectively, with funding for upgrades under Act 153 pilot grants and income tax credits
HB1898/SB2360: Funding DOH staff for implementation
HB1894/SB2425: Outreach and education funding
HB2066: On-bill financing administered by Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority
HB1691: Requiring denitrifying capacity for individual wastewater systems that are near waters or likely to pollute
Notable Successes
Banned construction of new cesspools & offered homeowners a $10k tax break to upgrade their systems
Mandated upgrade of all cesspools by 2050 & required DOH to complete Priority Upgrade Areas Report
Creation of Cesspool Conversion Working Group
Sunset of Cesspool Conversion Working Group. Passed Bills: HB2195, HB2088, HB1806
Requires UH to develop cesspool priority areas for sewer expansion by 1/1/2050 (ACT 125 deadline). Funds appropriated.
Capitol (Submit testimony, view testimonies, Bill Tracking, and Committee structures)
To submit testimony, please visit the Legislature's website and see these testimony instructions