Wastewater Alternatives & Innovations (WAI) works to raise awareness of Hawaii’s issues relating to cesspools and the wastewater industry. Each year, we lead a Legislative Task Force to help raise much-needed awareness of policy changes at the state level. The Task Force is composed of a coalition of passionate individuals, including representatives of environmental non-profits, law students, industry experts, and enthusiastic volunteers.

The Legislative Task Force brainstorms legislative strategies and submits testimony and canvases for the support of bills. WAI streamlines participation in the legislative process by distilling information disseminated prior to and during each legislative session and providing updates to the Task Force on the tracking and progression of bills throughout the session. WAI informs the Legislative Task Force of recommended actions and opportunities to provide input, such as the submission of testimony at important junctures in the legislative session.

Wai’s overarching policy goals

  • Increase the range of approved technology and pricing options for homeowners to allow them to make better decisions on a case-by-case basis.

  • Expand the existing Individual Wastewater Technologies (IWS) and cluster/decentralized systems approved by the Hawaiʻi Department of Health (DOH).

  • Increase overall funding for pilot projects.

  • Enhance funding opportunities for low and moderate-income homeowners in high-priority areas. (ex. support tax rebates, low-interest loans etc.)

  • Address the conversion of the State’s most critical cesspools, as defined by the DOH.

2023 Policy Priorities

  1. Creating earlier cesspool conversion deadlines for DOH Priority 1 & 2 Areas, where wastewater poses environmental and human health threats; 

  2. Establishing a new Cesspool Section in the Hawaii DOH Wastewater Branch & adding two new staff positions to help with the conversion process;

  3. Creating a pilot program to implement new wastewater technologies, helping homeowners with conversion costs, and reducing nutrient pollution to our reefs.

Please click the button above to send us an email indicating that you would like to be included in the task force!

WAI Timeline

October/November: WAI reaches out to partners and begins brainstorming internally about upcoming legislative priorities.

December: Rally Legislative Taskforce past participants & begin to draft bills in accordance to recognized priorities.

January (early): Identify bills related to our issues, biweekly meetings begin just prior to the legislative session beginning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are some notable legislative successes of the Taskforce?

A: During the 2022 legislative session our Taskforce was very successful in passing three bills into legislation - HB2195HB1806, and HB2088. Our crowning achievements are supporting the following:

  1. ACT 120, 2015 (Banned construction of new cesspools & offered homeowners a $10k tax break to upgrade their systems)

  2. ACT 125, HB1244 HD1 SD2 CD1, 7/10/2017 (Mandated upgrade of all cesspools by 2050 & required the DOH to complete priority upgrade areas report) 

  3. ACT 132, 2018 (Formed the Cesspool Conversion Working Group)

Q: What is WAI’s role within the Legislative Taskforce?

A: WAI acts as the facilitator, offering guidance relating to bills that are being proposed during the legislative session, so people are informed on water quality policy changes.

Q: Who makes up the Legislative Taskforce?

A: It’s a diverse group consisting of scientists, local representatives, law students, industry experts, and passionate volunteers.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us at info@waicleanwater.org.

Useful Resources

Find Your Legislator

Capital (Submit testimony, view testimonies, Bill Tracking, and Committee structures)

What Does it Take for a Bill to Become a Law in Hawaii?
